Leadspresto is a very simple yet powerful tool for telemarketing executives to manage their leads diligently and for after-sales support executives to track the history of all interactions with customers. It is a very user-friendly Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software that helps taking your organization's sales and customer satisfaction to the next higher level whether you have a Call Center operating on behalf your client or you are a business selling and supporting your products or services.
Being a multi-user system, leadspresto enables organizations to have multiple telemarketers, support executives and top management to use it simultaneously. The chief of sales/marketing and the customer support can access all the information in one unified fashion at a click of button. Yep, management reporting is just a click away!
Key Features
1.Manage all relevant information about your clients and prospects.
2.Store Details of every interaction with your clients and prospects such as comments, next follow up date and time, and current status (Hot/Warm/Cold/PO Released/Payment received, etc.)
3.Interaction comments arranged in Reverse chronological order for interaction date and time. For each of the comments, the date and time and the name of the user who put in the comments are also captured.
4.Hot follow ups for the day (reminders)
5.Search clients and prospects by name, status, follow up date range, city, etc.
6.Configurable status list based on your your business needs
7.Multi-user capability
8.User management. Ability to have normal users and users with admin privileges